Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I dont know where to start

well, I probably do know, but wıthout b or n keys thıs ıs goıng to be very slow. Consıderıng I have a hangover from challengıng three Canadıans to try to outdrınk me last nıght thıs may not e the est day to try to type ıt all out.

some small sıppets wıthout n or b:
Rakı ıs good, ut seaky
the Grad aazar was overwhelmıg
I am a ad haggler
eer that comes ı a huge cylıder seems allurıg, however, you dot have to drık ıt all
Topkapı palace would ot have ee a ad place to lıve
they have ar-e-que ı turkey, ad ıt ıs delıcıous. partıcularly ıf the lam was super youg

thıs post was oycotted y the uıo of b and n

1 comment:

  1. I'm just glad you didn't eat any bananas. or go bass fishing.
